Sunday, January 17, 2016


William Seamus Connearney aka William Francis Connearney raised my son from the age of 5. Unfortunately, my son picked up a few bad behaviors during his childhood. He has the tendency to try and project his bad decisions onto others. Tries to excuse bad choices. Tries to downplay my feelings. Fortunately, he does have empathy for others. Does eventually admit he's wrong and owns up to it. He also truly loves others more than himself. Also, fortunately, I have done a lot of healing and work on the inner me. I do now know how to set firm boundaries regarding behavior I will not tolerate from anyone. I am so thankful that because there is no biological connection...there is hope. New behaviors and habits take time to root. I will never give up on achieving that with my son. The moral of this posting, please be careful and choosy about whom or what you expose your children to. It will have long term repercussions. I love you Chris!

Friday, January 1, 2016


Happy New Year!

For 2016 I resolve:

Adriana well and cancer free!

I will not allow you any space in my brain! I've raised the rent and you are evicted!

Now that I can breathe again, I will spend 30 minutes on the treadmill at least 4x a week!

I wish all reading this a healthy, happy, loving 2016 :)