Saturday, July 20, 2013


9:00 on July 8th once again back to court. My new home away from home. I checked in with the bailiff, saw "phone appearance" next to Bill's name and took a seat with my friend. We sat through the first couple of cases which took about an hour or so. Right before the morning recess I ran out to my friends car to get something I'd left in my purse. License in hand I quietly reentered the room for the last 10 minutes until recess. I look over my right shoulder to check the time and who do I see sitting in the far corner, of the last row? You guessed it, Bill! To say I was surprised would be a major understatement! Anyways, we were called pretty quick after the 20 minute recess. Since I always get to speak first and knowing ahead of time what Bill planned on presenting to the court, I began by cutting him off at the gate. Have to hand it to him. He managed to pull a few things out of his butt. He told the court, among other things, 1) I'd interfered in his relationship with his "fiancé" causing her to break things off with him. My answer to this was the Gods honest truth. That we'd exchanged emails re: incidents of domestic violence between Bill and I, that her relatives had brought to her attention because of items they'd found on the internet. It seems her ex husband had also tried to kill her and she was fearful of becoming involved with a potentially violent man again. (Good reason). I told the court straight out, I'd only answered questions she had re: Bill and what he'd done to me. She had a right to know the truth of what she was getting into. Not my fault he'd lied to her! As a survivor of DV she saw quite plainly his tendency to minimize and deny everything. She made her own decisions after asking questions, hearing and weighing both sides of the story. Difference was, I could back everything I told her with documents. Also, I didn't whitewash anything or paint myself as a saint! Simply told her the Gods honest truth! 2) That my blog was making it difficult for him to obtain employment. This was my chance to inform the court about Ricoh. How I'd put 2 and 2 together, figured out he went to work for them. How I'd sent the wage assignment in May only to learn 6 days later, the company pc showed him as a former employee! I insinuated to the Judge that he'd quit the new job specifically to escape the order. Funny that he never denied this in court! 3) That I'd agreed to a reduction in the former support order rather than him selling the Chrysler, (total Bill Connearney BS at it's finest). Although he cashed out one of the retirement accounts during the divorce, under California law, this was illegal, he knew it, ignored it, and during our trial was reprimanded by the Judge. It goes w/out saying, I never agreed to any such deal, and it would have been illegal to sell the car at that stage anyways! My response to this,"your honor, I don't understand why Mr. Connearney continues to bring up the car. The car was a separate issue unrelated to support and has been dealt with by this court. He asked the court (for the 4th time) to cut off my spousal support. Using the same old tired line,"She was instructed by this court to give me 5 job contacts a week and to date I haven't received one." I thought this was extremely ballsy of him! Considering the letter I'd received on April 17th re: his "kidney malfunction" when he cut off my court ordered support and bailed to MA. Since he was trying his hardest to fall off the radar screen and avoid court orders, where the hell was I to mail these contacts? The Twilight Zone post office? End story, the court believed his bull$hit lie re: his unemployment. He got a break in the amount of arrearages and was ordered by the Judge to turn in 10 job contacts a week to the court and to inform me within 48 hours of becoming employed! The thing is, I know Bill Connearney better than the court! I didn't for a moment believe he drove cross country just for the hearing. This is what he claimed in court. I sent a copy of the wage assignment to his former employer, low and behold! I received a check on the 16th! Half a months payment! Wow!!!

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