Saturday, April 18, 2015


I've recently been made aware that my blog has had an effect on your life? That you've lost a girlfriend or 2? Want me to cry for you? Nope sorry! I'm glad that the truth has protected other innocent women from the cesspool that surrounds you. If my telling the truth helps one woman avoid the bullshit you will bring to her life, Glory Be! You're problem is you always acted like I was stupid. That my brain was inferior to yours. How wrong you were! Changing your online identity? How desperate is that? Your super ego apparently doesn't get that sooner or later, your true name will come up and it makes it look a lot worse in the long run. After all, clean, honest people have nothing to hide from! Unless you find some brain dead female, this blog will continue to be here. Waiting to expose you for what you are. An abusive, lying, Narcissist! I'm so stupid and inferior huh? Who's laughing now? Enjoy life, be well, keep those court ordered checks coming! Thanks for continually lying to Judge Brown. Justice is SO SWEET!


  1. Anonymous12:53:00 PM

    Hey Lynn, I thought you would like to know that your EX is going to court to petition to change his name to WILLIAM SEAMUS MCDONALD to escape the TRUTH of your blog. You can read all about it by googling his full name then click on the link to The Valley Roadrunner , April 2, 2015 edition. It is listed on page B3 of the public notices page.
    Keep the TRUTH posting !!!! You are a strong survivor of severe domestic violence!!
    I know that the abuse you suffered by BILL is true, as he admitted the disgusting and violent details to me.
    A friend

  2. Whoever you are, I want to Thank you from the bottom of my heart. God bless you always.
