Sunday, January 26, 2014


In the early 90's we lived in a townhome in Spring Valley, CA. It was a small complex and we became good friends with the original managers. In the late spring of 1993 Bill's company sent him to Ricoh school for the week in Orange county. Something that happened 4 or 5 times a year. This particular time he came home with a life changing plan re: a fellow student he'd met that week. It seemed the guy had a company in the high dessert approx 190 miles North of San Diego. He'd filled Bill's head with nonsense! "Come work for me. You'll make more money, yada yada blah blah." Bill all on his own, spur of the moment decides that he's going to run with it! Screw the company that had paid thousands of dollars training him over the years. That had given him a chance when he got out of the Navy. The company that he was doing well at. That was stable and well known. There was no discussion about it. He and he alone decided he was going to accept the position and that was that! I know, I should have left his ass right then. Hindsight is 20/20. Anyways, he moves up there in May or June. I joined him at the beginning of August. By the time I moved up there, he'd realized the guy had talked a lot of bullshit! His promises were nothing but, empty words! He in fact was back with his original company which luckily had a location in the area. My whole point is, the high desert sucked! It was either too freaking hot or miserable cold. It's a harsh, horrible environment and IMO people who live there are soft in the head! Luckily he was still in touch with his former boss in San Diego. With my encouragement he let him know of his desire to return to San Diego. That March he was informed of an opening and strings were pulled and upper management agreed he could have his old job back! Happy days! Luckily an insurance settlement had come through and I had the money to relocate us back to civilization. Yay seven months of hell were over! Thousands of dollars wasted on an impulsive scheme. Typical Bill Connearney act first think later. "Do what I want regardless if it's the right decision or not. Don't like it? There's the door."

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