Wednesday, June 24, 2015


As each day passes, I am more grateful and more proud. I look back on what I've endured. What I've overcome. What I've learned along the way. I accept and own my mistakes and my choices. I forgive myself for putting up with abusive behavior. For accepting that which should never be accepted by ANYONE! With every test and challenge I've faced and overcome since 9-15-2011, I've come to realize I am strong! Stronger than I ever realized or gave myself credit for. That is empowering!

"That which does not kill us, makes us Stronger.-Friedrich Nietzsche"

So very, very true! More than a few times, since I survived William Connearney's aka William Seamus McDonald's attempt to crush my windpipe with his thumbs in May 2011, I've questioned how, why? I'm so very grateful to be alive. However, I don't truly know how it happened! I couldn't get his hands off my neck that morning. I'd given up, accepted my impending death, and began to say goodbye to loved ones in my head. When the blackness began to invade my brain some hidden strength came from within, and with one last effort, I was able to breathe! Recently, I've found my purpose and in doing so, have answered my own questions. This blog was the first step in taking my voice back and towards healing. Starting a supportive community for others leaving, living, recovering from toxicity is my final step. If I can inspire, support, encourage one person to seek a happier, healthier future for themselves, I'm good with that! These days, I know my strengths and my weaknesses. I can and will set firm boundaries. I will NEVER allow any kind of abuse in my life AGAIN! I don't know what my future will hold however, I know 100% it will hold better than what I allowed in my past. Although, I'm not ready/looking for a relationship any time soon, If and when it happens, I know it will be RIGHT for me!


  1. Anonymous10:16:00 AM

    Thank you for posting your blog.You are a strong survivor of severe domestic violence. You are alive and are able to warn women about the ways of the charming, coniving , lying, narcissist, batterer William Francis Connearney a/k/a William Seamus McDonald.
    You are inspiring. Your blog is supportive and encouraging, and a wonderful way for you to heal.
    Relationships full of domestic violence are not easy to get out of, but you did it!! Stand proud.
    Unknowingly, thru this blog you have protected many women from suffering the awful abuse that you endured, and you may have even saved a life.
    May you find your happiness and continue to feel safe.

  2. Thank you for your kind, encouraging words. I thank God every day that I'm still here. This blog has helped me heal in many ways. Mostly it gave me my voice back! That alone is so worth it. I do hope this blog encourages even one person not to accept behavior that should never be accepted. Again thank you for taking the time to write.😊
