Wednesday, December 24, 2014


I'm sure if you've found this blog, read it, and questioned Bill Connearney, he lied. He has his script. I'm crazy, a bitch, a liar. Ask yourself one question before you blindly take the word of a Narcissistic psychopath. Would Any sane person allow this blog to be up with such slanderous statements if they had a means to have it removed? The 100% truth is Bill Connearney whined in court to our Judge. The Judge asked me if I'd take it down for him (the judge). My words, "your honor, no! I have first amendment rights in this country. My blog is 100% the truth and it's my life story. That blog will outlive both of us." The Judge turned to Bill Connearney and said "She's right. Sorry I can't force her to take it down." Enough said re: who the liar is!

Thursday, November 13, 2014


I thought you had done all you could
To rip our world apart
Until one day in court you stood
And finished off my heart
On that day you stood and lied
Never thought you'd sink so low
All the love left in me died
When I saw how far you'd go
All the toys and all the bling
All you ever did was spend
Money has meant everything
It was your means to the end
Whatever things you hang onto
May they comfort in the end
May they hold and whisper
I love you and sleep in peace my friend
Lynn Connearney ©2012


Hello, Well my healing is well on it's way. I'm going to switch gears now and travel in a new direction. The decision to break away from toxicity will not be an easy one. However, I'm here to say, it's so worth it. I've discovered and truly realize for the 1st time in my life, that I'm strong! We have 2 choices when faced with adversity, curl up and give up or shake it off, stand, keep pushing on. There were times I did want to just give up over the past 4 years. However, I thought about my children. One grown who has given me 2 beautiful granddaughters. One I need to be reunited with one day in the future. Because of them I found a strength I never knew I possessed. As my healing goes on, I have truly come to believe; I am valuable. I have important thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and wants of my own that are just as valuable as anyone else's! I deserve to be valued. I am loving and I deserve to be loved backed. I give my whole heart. I deserve no less in return. I have my own thoughts and desires. I deserve validation and respect. Narcissists suck so much out of your life. They replace your voice, needs, thoughts, desires with; doubt, devaluation, low self esteem, misgiving, depression. Although, it can be scary to contemplate leaving them and their defectiveness behind, you gain so much in the long run. Life goes by in a blink of an eye, YOU DESERVE SO MUCH MORE! BE HAPPY AND BE WELL! Till next time...

Thursday, September 11, 2014


Dear Bill Connearney,I hope the financial wreck you've brought on yourself is even half as painful as the loss of my baby. Somehow, I doubt it. I bet you haven't realized or accepted that lying to Judge Brown and getting caught is what caused the financial backlash against you. Thank you for admitting the truth under oath re: your illegal recording. That may come in very handy in February if you continue to do the wrong thing... Be healthy. I sincerely mean that.

Friday, August 15, 2014


Dear Bill Connearny,

I'd like to thank you for: Moving me to San Diego. Although the first year was tough, I grew to love it and I'm grateful that I spent my adult years here. For Patches. It truly touched my heart that you heard my offhand comment and went out and bought him for me. He was the best bunny and I loved him. For being there during my surgeries. I know taking time off of work isn't an easy choice for you. I appreciated the support during those challenges. I'm still embarrassed re: the ketchup bottle. I truly didn't mean for it to shatter. You were very patient. The Christmas that I became so deathly sick? I don't remember much of that time. I do remember you getting me cleaned up after work each day. Thank you for the 3 days of nursing that you gave me. Thank you for the greatest gift of all. Supporting my fostering. I know you thought I'd get it out of my system and that would be that. However, buying and setting up the nursery, coming to the cpr class, etc... I had the greatest gift in knowing, loving, and nurturing the greatest little girl ever born. My time was too brief with her but, I know she and I will meet again.

I forgive you for: getting a vasectomy behind my back and lying about it. I forgive you for always having to get your way. You are a selfish s.o.b. but, I stayed and put up with it. I forgive myself for that. I forgive you for the 3 severe beatings I suffered at your hands. The 12 days I lost due to my black eyes when you punched me in the face 3 times. When I had to stay home and hide what you had done. Even the last time when you almost killed me because I wouldn't leave at 2:30 in the morning. When I was so devastated and depressed over Ahmi that all I did was cry 24/7. Sorry I couldn't "just suck it up and move on." When my plea for you to just leave me alone resulted in your hands around my throat. Your thumbs trying to crush my windpipe. When you messed up my leg so bad I couldn't walk without pain for 6 months. One thing I'm sure of, no man will EVER put their hands on me again and remain free. Their ass will be in a cage within the hour. I forgive myself that your ass isn't rotting in prison. Letting you get away with attempted murder was not my finest moment. You tried to kill me but, I survived! I'm not afraid of much these days. I'm a hell of a lot stronger than I ever thought I was. I forgive all the put downs, the evil talk, the devaluing, and the dismissals. Because I now know, you are full of shit! You're not a healthy person. In the end, your opinions mean nothing. I know inside now, it takes 2 and I'm okay and getting stronger every day. It no longer matters that you take no responsibility. I no longer need your validation. You never will be healthy. I know that now. That's truly pitiful.

I'm grateful that: I no longer have to walk on egg shells. That I no longer slam my head into cement walls to release the anxiety, frustration, and stress I was living with. I'm grateful that I didn't cause serious damage to myself. As I had no sense of pain during those awful times. I'm grateful that your toxicity is gone from my life. That I'm no longer devalued, dismissed, denied a voice. That I no longer live with your passive/aggressive behavior. That I'm spared your criticisms. That I no longer have to listen to your constant exaggerations or bear witness to the victim act you play so well.

I'm continuing to work on forgiving you for: Turning your back on Ahmi. In the end, much too little, much too late. Your betrayal of me re: Genny Wrocklage. You threw me under the bus. 2 back stabbing, lying, little bitches! In the end, my first blog exposed her lying ass and stained her career. She's actually not a social wrecker anymore. Maybe I did some good after all. At least she no longer damages children! This blog exposes you as the devil from hell that you are! Too bad whining to Judge Brown got you no where! Sorry 100% true story of my life. I will continue to post and this blog will outlast both of us! I love the first amendment. God bless America! I don't regret warning T### about you. She seems very nice. After all she's survived, she didn't need your crap polluting her life. For the record, I didn't "wreck your life." You did with your lies! I told the truth! Something you know nothing about! The difference between the 2 of us? I had the proof to back up my words. When you tell the truth, life's a whole lot easier. Something you'll never understand. I am still working on trying to forgive you for the filthy lies you told in order to get your fake r.o. You've disrupted my life for 2 and 1/2 years. Took away my livelihood. Working with children is what I was born to do. You selfishly took that from me. Because of your sick need to be in control. Well, that ends in February. Thank God you admitted under oath during the divorce trial your illegal action re: the "evidence" If you even think about taking any action on the expiration of the fraud... Let's just say, I'm no longer suffering from major depression. Bring it on... You don't even get that the order of spousal support with no expiration was most likely to punish you. Judge Brown saw quite clearly in the end who the problem was. Who was continually lying to him. One day you will be nothing more than a passing shadow of a thought. On that day I will know that I am 100% finally free. You did your best in trying to destroy me and you failed! I have come through hell and I am stronger than I ever knew. You are the same old, same old. How sad is that? I pity and pray for you. Enjoy your empty life.

Saturday, August 9, 2014


It's a paradox I've never understood, regarding the type of control that Bill clings to. He was not jealous or possesive during our marriage. He never checked my phone, questioned me, etc... However, when it came to money, and/or major life decisions, he alone was in control. He made some major life decisions with no interest in my thoughts or opinions. For example, his bright idea one year after attending Ricoh school in LA for 2 weeks. He comes home and announces that he has a job offer from a classmate. This guy apparently owns his own business in the high desert. He's made some lofty promises regarding potential salary. He's made an offer that's too good to refuse, blah, blah, blah... Bill was supposedly going to make all this money. It was too great to pass up, yeah, yeah, yeah. He wouldn't listen to anything I had to say. He didn't care that his company had just spent thousands of dollars on the school he'd just attended. It was futile trying to have a mature conversation about it. He pretty much said, he didn't care what I did, he was going. If I didn't like it or agree, "there's the door." So we spend all this money on his impulsive whim. Pack up and move approx 3 and 1/2 hours North. For his "golden opportunity". It didn't take long for him to realize, he'd made a huge mistake! He was rehired by IKON w/in 2 months! Unfortunately it was at the branch in San Bernadino. Which was approx a 30-45 minute ride down the mountain pass that led away from the hell we were now trapped in!! This took place during the summer of 1993 till the following spring. Luckily, just as he had an offer from his former boss in San Diego, an insurance settlement I'd been expecting came through. Thousands of dollars on a hairbrained scheme. Because God forbid, Bill take the time to consider a decision and communicate as an adult rather than an impulsive jackass! Always, He has this obsessive need to be in complete control. When he got an idea into his head, there was no discussion, no consideration of any point of view but, his own. God forbid someone with common sense actually try to encourage him to act as an adult and consider all sides of a decision. Then again, wouldn't happen. When he gets a thought into his mind, he becomes almost manic. As if he needs to act quickly before something intefers with his chosen plan and prevents it from happening somehow. As I read over this posting, it makes complete sense that Bill Connearney acted the way he did. He's always valued money and possesions above all else. So it does make sense that he'd be a control freak re: money. He's an empty shell of a human being. I pity him.


If you have been or if you are currently involved with a Narcissist, you're self esteem is most likely severely damaged and/or lacking. No matter what I did or said, it never seemed to be good enough. In the early years, my paycheck was the constant target. He constantly bitched about my wages. As the years passed, I went back to school, got a lot of work experience on my resume. Finally due to the experience and training, I was doing what I loved earning a salary that I was happy with. Bill seemed satisfied. As long as he got his cut twice a month, life was peaceful for a while. Although from time to time he'd bitch about the wear and tear on my car, I always tuned him out. I loved my job and nothing was going to jeopardize it! Unfortunately as the kids grew older, my work days grew shorter. Although I still made a decent wage Bill began to bitch about the shorter hours. He'd often suggest it was time to look for another position. I simply ignored his comments. I'd been with the family nearly ten years by this time. I made decent money and enjoyed a few benefits I wasn't willing to give up. There was however one problem, the mountain of debt Bill had built up over the years. The debt I'd never had a say in, was starting to take it's toll. My bitchy side felt little empathy. I'd begged him so many times over the years to slow down, practice some self control. He never respected nor cared about what I had to say. "I pay the bills. Don't worry about it. Just pay your rent!" Devalued, minimized, silenced. So it was hard to feel any sympathy for him. All the years I had no voice. My attitude basically was,"you made your bed, lie in it." If I could have foreseen the impact of his stress and the toll it would take, I wouldn't have dismissed it so easily. Well, as the saying goes, hindsight is 20/20. One day he announces that we're going to move to Escondido. A city 45 mins North inland from San Diego. Red neck, tweakerville. I understood that he worked in Escondido. That he had a long commute every day. I was willing to discuss moving. However, I wanted to discuss a compromise. Ahmi and I had Mommy and Me classes. She was in gymnastics and swimming lessons. The way I saw it there were options and why couldn't the move be convenient for all of us? Nope! In true Bill Connearney style, it was going to be his way or the highway. No discussion allowed! After so many years, I pushed back for once. Told him to forget it. I should have known better. Within 2 months he'd announce that he was leaving me. As always he'd do as he wished and the hell with anyone who might get in the way. I'd actually just been biding my time till the adoption was final. When Bill punched me in the face in September of 2009 I had decided it was over. As soon as Ahmi was safely out of the system, I had planned to move back to Boston and build a new life for her and I. I only wanted my girl. Turned out, Bill would only think about himself. In the end, I lost my girl to the substitutes and he lost all his money to me!

Sunday, August 3, 2014


I actually had started to write the previous posting entitled "Addiction" some months ago. Although my mindset has changed and grown in many ways since, I felt it was important to follow through on posting it.The vast differences between just these two posts alone show how far I've come. So in honor of my journey without further ado; What's to miss? Being put down and called horrible names? Not missed! Condescending, know it all attitude? Not missed! Inadequate sex? Not missed! Rigid, unyielding personal opinions and views? Not missed! Consistently being devalued, minimized, and dismissed? Not missed! Having my self esteem constantly in the toilet. Always feeling like I was worthless, unlovable, defective, second rate, and depressed? NOT MISSED! Bill Connearney plays a great victim! It's truly Oscar worthy! I felt like shit for so many years. I was so depressed and angry inside. Now I can only ask myself, "what the hell was wrong with me?" I miss nothing! He's a pompous, exaggerating, cruel, overbearing, opinionated, selfish, condescending, demeaning, evil, bastard! Life is so much better without poison in it! Narcissists are great at putting their wants and needs above all else. They can be manipulative, cruel, and self centered. For a long time I blamed myself for our problems. I'd tell myself I wasn't doing something right. That he'd listen, hear me, and understand my point of view if I communicated better. BULLSHIT! He was never going to do any of those things because he didn't want to or care to! The simple truth is Bill Connearney loves himself above all others. He was never going to listen, hear, or care no matter what I did or said. I never was, never would have been, that important. He's an empty shell of a human being and I'm grateful that I'm no longer on that merry go round!

Saturday, August 2, 2014


Since my separation and divorce I've come to equate my marriage to Bill Connearney as an addiction. Although my head knows and accepts that I'm better off without him and his toxicity, my heart isn't always on board. I know one day when I think about him, a thought is all he'll be. That is when I will know I will finally be free of him and our past. After the final split I thought about our beginning. I came to some hard truths. In hindsight, I let myself get swept up in the fact that my long time secret wish was coming true. It was like a true life fairy tale. Although, I knew I should take things slow. I threw caution and common sense away too quickly. I'd developed a crush on Bill soon after the birth of my son. Of course I kept it to myself. As far as he or anyone else knew, we were just friends. About a year and half later he'd enlisted in the Navy and was gone. A few years passed, I was a single Mom. Busy with my life, raising a preschooler, working, etc... One day I happen to call his Moms looking for his sister and he picks up! I was thrilled and very surprised to hear his voice. I'd thought about him from time to time the past few years. Wondered how he was doing, etc... So we talked briefly and way to soon said our goodbyes. I thought about him a lot that night. The next afternoon I called his Mom's house under the pretext of once again seeking to speak wth his sister. Again he answered the phone and this time when we hung up, he would soon be stopping by my apartment. Long story shortened, we spent almost every moment of the next 2 weeks together. All too soon it was time for him to fly back to San Diego. It was the end of Sept,1987. We'd promised to stay in touch, write each other. Also discussed the possibility of me flying out to Ca in 2/1989 to visit when he returned from westpac. We'd also talked about kids. Bill had said that he didn't want kids until he was at least 30. At this time I thought we'd remain at friend level only and I was fine with that. I respected him for telling me. Of course, I was and always would be part of a package deal. Once he's back in SD, we talked all the time. One day in early Oct, he called and said that he's not going to hang up until he convinces me to move to SD and marry him! I started with, "I'm sorry, no". I reminded him about his statement re: children. He explains that he's given it a lot of thought. That he was wrong. That he was ready and wanted to be a family. So eventually, after a long time on the phone, I accepted his proposal. There's no rehab for this addiction of mine. Yes there's therapy. Been there, done that. Now, just the passage of time. It is easier with each passing day to divert my thoughts. Pull myself back into reality. An addiction as harmful as any other addiction. Unfortunately, there's no quick fix, no rehab, no 12 step program. Distance and time seem to be the only cure. Hmmm, rehab for one's heart, spirit, mind, and soul broken by divorce. Food for thought.

Thursday, April 17, 2014


The Three Phases of A Narcissistic Relationship Cycle: Over-Evaluation, Devaluation, Discard

A relationship with a Narcissist has been compared to being on a roller coaster, with immense highs and immense lows. They have been described as the proverbial Jekyll and Hyde, one way one minute, another the next.

People usually get into relationships for love and the need to connect and bond with another. Narcissists get into relationships with women for entirely different reasons. They do not feel love and they lack the ability to connect and form normal attachment bonds with others.

Narcissists need people more than anyone. Because their entire sense of self-esteem and self-worth is dependent on the admiration of others, their emotions are a precarious balance of needing others and needing to be left alone.

Narcissists feel an enormous void inside of them. This void is ever present and the only thing that fills it, is the love and esteem of another. The fix is always temporary though. A Narcissist describes it this way, "It's like my brain is constantly seeking something. It's like I'm always chasing a carrot at the end of a stick. Nothing I do satisfies me, at least not for long. I feel like I only do things because I'm supposed to, because society does it. I don't feel like I belong anywhere or with anyone."

Narcissists are completely self-absorbed and are oblivious to the wants and needs of others. They enter into relationships in an attempt to fill this void and to make sure that they have someone who is always available for sex, an ego stroke or whatever need they may have. A relationship with a Narcissist always follows three phases, the over-evaluations phase, the devaluation phase and the discard phase.

The Over-evaluation Phase

A Narcissist is very careful when choosing a target. Typically, they will choose a victim based on their status. They must be attractive, popular, rich or extremely gifted in some area. The greater the status, the higher the value the Narcissist places on the Supply derived.

Once a target has been chosen, it's almost like the Narcissist gets tunnel vision. They are hyper-vigilant in their pursuit and will project the perfect image that their victim wants them to be. They are excessively caring, loving and attentive at this stage. They shower their targets with attention, compliments and literally sweep them off their feet.

They place their target on a pedestal, idolize and worship them. Their target is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Here the Narcissist is ecstatic, full of hopes and dreams. They will talk and think about them constantly, they are euphoric. This is as close as a Narcissist will ever get to feeling love. This kind of idolization is what others would call infatuation.

The victim is likely so caught up in all the attention and is usually thinking at this point, that she has found her soul-mate. Her pursuer is exactly what she wants in a man (because he is mirroring what he has learned that she wants) and she can't believe how lucky she is and that he's still single.

What she doesn't know or could ever be prepared for, is what comes next.

The Devaluation Stage

The Over-Evaluation phase usually lasts anywhere from a few weeks to a couple of months, just long enough for the Narcissist to be confident that he has secured his target's love and devotion. Unbeknownst to the target, what she was witnessing in the early phase was the Narcissist's false self. In this second phase, the mask comes off and the Narcissist starts to reveal his true colours.

The shift could be gradual or almost seemingly overnight. Suddenly the attention they so lavishly gave you is gone and replace by indifference and silence. Days or weeks could go by and you won't hear from them. They don't return your phone calls, they don't keep a single promise and you're starting to suspect that they might be involved with other women. The target is left baffled and confused and wondering what she did wrong to cause such an abrupt turnaround.

Narcissists become bored easily and what usually starts happening in their heads at this stage, is that the void begins to emerge again. The high they were feeding off of is waning and they begin to question your worthiness, that perhaps you weren't so special after all, because if you were then the void wouldn't still be there.

They become moody and agitated easily, blaming you for even the slightest transgression. They start to disappear more frequently and they give you the silent treatment in an attempt to create distance. As the Narcissist withdraws, the target starts to cling and your demands for his attention and your need to understand what's happening, grate on his nerves. The harder you cling the more the Narcissist pulls away. They start to blame and criticize the target for everything, treating them like an emotional punching bag.

At this point the target is an emotional wreck. The Narcissist has left without any explanation and she can't figure out how one minute she was put on a pedestal and now it's like she doesn't even exist. The Narcissist is a projector and he is projecting his emotional turmoil onto you. He feeds off of other people's misery (as long as it's caused by him) just as much as he feeds off of your admiration, either way it makes no difference to him.

It is this person, this cruel, indifferent, unfeeling, sadist that is the man behind the mask. Most targets desperately try to find the man they fell in love with. What they don't realize is that that man never existed. He was a facade an act put on by the Narcissist to secure his Supply.

The Narcissist will take no responsibility for his actions, because he simply doesn't care how he's treated you or how you are feeling.
Narcissists are not capable of forming normal healthy attachments to people. Those that aren't familiar with the disorder are completely at a loss to understand how unnecessarily cruel their behavior can be. The target was never more than an object to the Narcissist, whose usefulness is on the decline.

The Narcissist isn't one to throw away a potential piece of supply though. He will keep up this I love you, I love you not charade for as long as it suits him or as long as you allow it. He will breeze in and out of your life as if nothing ever happened, completely oblivious and indifferent to your suffering.

This mind fuck is deliberate and he will keep feeding you crumbs of attention, just enough to keep you emotionally invested and available to cater to his every need.

At some point one of two things will happen: either he will find a new target and begin phase one with her, thus ignoring you completely, or you will have had enough of his psychotic abuse and you will take control and put an end to it, thus ushering In phase three.

The Discard Phase

It is almost baffling to watch the ease at which a Narcissist can pull away from his partners. Many targets are left asking themselves, "Did he ever love me? Did I mean anything to him?" The simple answer is no. No one means anything to him. Women are only a means to an end -- to obtain the much needed Narcissistic Supply. Once your usefulness has run its course, you will be discarded abruptly and cruelly, without warning.

Trying to get over a relationship with a Narcissist is extremely difficult. Once it is over the target is usually an emotional wreck, whose self-esteem has been annihilated by the persistent demeaning behavior, insults and cruelty of the Narcissist. Depending on when she was able to break free, the target maybe a shadow of her former self, with a lot of work ahead of her to rebuild her shattered self-image.

As a victim tries to pick up the pieces, What must be remembered is that you were deliberately targeted, lied to and manipulated by a skilled con-artist, for their own gain. There was nothing you could have done differently and none of this was your fault. The Narcissist will repeat this pattern with every woman, every time, bar none.

All former targets must be vigilantly on guard, because a Narcissist always reserves the right to revisit a former source of supply, no matter how much time has passed or how badly they've behaved.

Once you have broken free you must close the door on any and all contact, because if you don't you're headed back to a watered down version of Phase One -- lather, rinse, repeat.
Location: educate yourself be 4 u look like an ass

*** This was posted on CL rants and raves. I was not involved with the O.P. or this response however, I did email the poster to express my appreciation for this info and of my intent to reuse it. Thank you to him/her again for the time they took looking this up and posting it to CL. LMC ***

Sunday, January 26, 2014


In the early 90's we lived in a townhome in Spring Valley, CA. It was a small complex and we became good friends with the original managers. In the late spring of 1993 Bill's company sent him to Ricoh school for the week in Orange county. Something that happened 4 or 5 times a year. This particular time he came home with a life changing plan re: a fellow student he'd met that week. It seemed the guy had a company in the high dessert approx 190 miles North of San Diego. He'd filled Bill's head with nonsense! "Come work for me. You'll make more money, yada yada blah blah." Bill all on his own, spur of the moment decides that he's going to run with it! Screw the company that had paid thousands of dollars training him over the years. That had given him a chance when he got out of the Navy. The company that he was doing well at. That was stable and well known. There was no discussion about it. He and he alone decided he was going to accept the position and that was that! I know, I should have left his ass right then. Hindsight is 20/20. Anyways, he moves up there in May or June. I joined him at the beginning of August. By the time I moved up there, he'd realized the guy had talked a lot of bullshit! His promises were nothing but, empty words! He in fact was back with his original company which luckily had a location in the area. My whole point is, the high desert sucked! It was either too freaking hot or miserable cold. It's a harsh, horrible environment and IMO people who live there are soft in the head! Luckily he was still in touch with his former boss in San Diego. With my encouragement he let him know of his desire to return to San Diego. That March he was informed of an opening and strings were pulled and upper management agreed he could have his old job back! Happy days! Luckily an insurance settlement had come through and I had the money to relocate us back to civilization. Yay seven months of hell were over! Thousands of dollars wasted on an impulsive scheme. Typical Bill Connearney act first think later. "Do what I want regardless if it's the right decision or not. Don't like it? There's the door."

Friday, January 24, 2014


To Whomever left me a comment on Friday 1/24, "Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one." Since your comment had no relation to this blog, I've trashed it. I'm guessing you know Bill Connearney and have been sucked into his poor me act he plays so well. Know this, whatever you think you know about me, you know zip. Your useless comment doesn't change the fact that my blog is the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Bill Connearney is an abusive, controlling, evil, lying, Narcissitic, unforgiving p.o.s. human being! Until you've walked a mile in my steps STFU and MYOB! If you choose to believe his bullshit that's your prerogative. Just allow me to think you're an idiot who is easily manipulated. Thanks for the 5 minutes it took to leave your comment as useless as it was. I have a bridge for sale in San Francisco I'll let you have for a reasonable price. Let me know.

***04/17/2014*** I can back up everything I state re: my 25 year marriage. I own my mistakes and behavior. I don't pretend to be perfect or the ever suffering victim. In fact, I prefer to be a "SURVIVOR!" I am a survivor of mental, verbal, and physical abuse! Bill Connearney came very close to killing me. But, my will to live was stronger and luckily I was able to save myself. I SURVIVED! When he's playing the victim act he does so well, maybe he should remember, he's damn lucky not to be doing time for attempted murder! You see I can even admit that when the police showed up, I was a fool and minimized what had happened. He should keep that in mind when he's doing his pity party act. But, for me he'd be staring at nothing but, prison walls. Yet, he still had the balls to lie in court, manufacture evidence, try to wreck my life... Yeah nice upstanding citizen you're standing behind. Idiot! Your judgement means everything! Let me pour you a big cup of stupidity and please allow the door to kick you in the ass as you crawl back onto that high horse you rode in on. Loser!